Prebuilt Portfolios
A fast, easy way to kickstart your investing
- $0 trading commissions (fund expenses and service fees apply)
- Prebuilt portfolios of leading mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
- Conservative, moderate, aggressive, and income-generating strategies
- Customize your portfolio with the funds of your choice
minimum for mutual funds
minimum for ETFs
Get up to $1,000 for a limited time1
Open and fund a new brokerage account with a qualifying deposit by July 31, 2025. Learn how
Terms apply. Use promo code: OFFER25
Get diversified without breaking a sweat
Choose a diversified portfolio of leading mutual funds or ETFs based on how much (or how little) risk you want to take. Purchasing the portfolio is quick and easy and within minutes you'll be invested in companies like Walt Disney Co, Mastercard, Microsoft, Apple, Procter & Gamble, and more. It's one of the simplest ways to get into the market.
Get a professionally built portfolio of leading mutual funds or ETFs with just a few clicks
Put more of your money to work with no trading fees and a low $500 minimum for mutual funds and $2,500 minimum for ETFs
Customize your portfolio to meet your needs. Plus, you have the freedom to buy or sell individual funds at any time
ETFs vs. mutual funds: Understand the difference
E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley’s Prebuilt Portfolios lets you choose either a collection of mutual funds or ETFs.
What’s the difference? Find out below and decide which is best for your investment needs (or get both!).
Exchange-Traded Funds
- What are they - Baskets of individual stocks, bonds, or other investments that may be traded throughout the day, just like stocks
- Pricing - Prices may go up and down throughout the trading day, and typically have lower costs than actively managed funds
- Management - Typically managed to replicate the performance of a certain index (e.g., NASDAQ 100, S&P 500®, etc.)
- Flexibility - ETFs offer trading flexibility as they can be bought or sold throughout the trading day, or as part of more sophisticated trading strategies
Mutual Funds
- What are they - Baskets of individual stocks, bonds, or other investments handpicked by a professional fund manager that trade only once per day
- Pricing - Prices are determined only once each trading day, after markets close
- Management - Typically actively managed by professionals seeking to outperform the market
- Flexibility - Typically offer automatic dividend reinvestment and other convenient deposit and withdrawal features
Looking for more ways to build your portfolio?
Check out our knowledge section for investing guidance, tools, and ideas
Get up to $1,000 for a limited time1
Open and fund a new brokerage account with a qualifying deposit by July 31, 2025. Learn how
Terms apply. Use promo code: OFFER25